Budapest Estate

Zoltán utca, Budapest 5. district

Property info

Type: brick
Basic area: 59 m2
Number of rooms: 1
Number of half rooms: 1
Floor: 4
Heating: central heating on the premises
Comfort: all conveniences
Elevator: yes
Parking: in the street
View: courtyard
Address: Budapest 5. district, Zoltán utca


Appartment near the Danube in the heart of Budapest.

Price: € 83 700

Image for Zoltán utca Image for Zoltán utca Image for Zoltán utca Image for Zoltán utca Image for Zoltán utca Image for Zoltán utca
Budapest Estate, Hungary, 1067 Budapest Teréz körút no. 7, e-mail:
Phone/fax: 00 36 1 321 90 38, Mobile: 00 36 70 311 85 41